Where do I get help? 去哪里寻求帮助?

  1. For questions about class and homework, e-mail the teacher or send a Microsoft Teams message. 有关上课和家庭作业的问题,学生可以给任课老师发送邮件,或者在Teams上与老师联系。
  2. For questions about virtual school policies and procedures, contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@ncpachina.org 有关远程教学的政策和程序的问题,请通过邮件联系学生处办公室: registrar@ncpachina.org
  3. For concerns about your child, contact the HS principal (mkelsey@ncpachina.org)/MS principal (smcroberts@ncpachina.org) or your child’s counselor, whose e-mail information is in the WeChat Parent Portal. 有关您孩子的学习或纪律问题,请通过邮件联系高中校长(mkelsey@ncpachina.org)/初中校长(mkelsey@ncpachina.org),或孩子的导师(导师联系方式可于微信家长门户平台查询)。
  4. For computer/technology problems, please e-mail the IT department at helpdesk@ncpachina.org 有关电脑/技术方面的问题,请发送邮件给IT部门helpdesk@ncpachina.org