Slow internet 网页加载缓慢

Some students are reporting trouble loading foreign websites. For example, they might see a page like this:


If this happens, please 如遇到此问题,请您参考以下方法:

  1. Report the issue to and send a screenshot and tell us your ISP (电信,移动,联通) 将您的问题截图及所使用的网络服务运营商(电信,移动,联通)通过邮件告知 。
  2. Try connecting to a 4G hotspot. 联通 seems to be the most reliable for foreign websites. 尝试连接4G热点,通常用联通网络更容易登陆外国网站。
  3. If you use a VPN, try connecting and then trying the website again. 如果您使用VPN,请尝试连接VPN并再一次登陆网站。